Sunday, 15 April 2012

Homespun Style Book Launch

Friday was the launch of the Homespun Style book launch by Selina Lake. A really beautiful book full of gorgeous interior photography, showing inspiring homes from around the world. With such amazing colours and and so much's well worth a read. I was very honored to be asked to sell my wares at the market. It was such a lovely days in a fantastic venue and I was fortunate enough to meet some really lovely people. So here are a few pics...

Hanbury Hall decorated and looking lovely...

All set up and ready to go...

The venue had such beautiful lighting...perfect for all the gorgeous work on sale there...Emma Lamb  and Folly and Glee were among some of the very talented crafts people at the event as well as Mel Made This...

Rachelle from Ted and Agnes all set up and patiently waiting for the opening...I am very pleased to say that I am a  proud owner of a gorgeous vintage cushion from Ted and Agnes that looks yummy on my sofa at home.

Lovely lighting...I would have loved this room as a massive studio my dreams

Folly and Glee's beautiful vintage bark cloth lampshades...

The gorgeous work of Clare Nicholson who came all the way down from Glasgow for the event...

And there it is..the Homespun Style book by Selina Lake

Ooo and there's a bit of Tatie Lou...showing off my new printed lampshades and cushions...

and another one..just for good luck

Lots of photo opportunities as everything was so scrummy...

got a chance to have a bit of a natter with Clare Nicholson  and Carrie the Made in the Shade ladies...

also had a wee blether with the lovely Emma Lamb who had traveled down from Edinburgh for the event...I have a  list of her beautiful creations that I want to buy very soon! Seeing her work on her website is one thing..but actually seeing it in real life..its just absolutely stunning!! 

and last but certainly not least the lovely and funny Rachelle from Ted and Agnes...who kept me laughing most of the afternoon and I was very proud to hear that her gorgeous little daughter, Violet has adopted one of my Cockadoodledoo's and has named it Meg :)

So overall a fabulous afternoon was had by all ...thank you Selina x

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Win Tatie Lou Easter goodies...

Hoorah......To celebrate the Easter bank holiday and over 100 followers on Twitter! You can WIN a bag of Tatie Lou goodies..just for you!...there's no chocolate involved though i'm afraid

All you need to do is leave a comment on this blog...saying why you should be the winner of all these Tatie Lou goodies and also a way of contacting you if you do win!

Good Luck ;)

You can see more about these competition goodies at

The winner will be chosen on Saturday 14th of April.... So please tell all your friends and family and make sure you follow Tatie Lou on facebook and twitter for lots more information on future competitions, workshops and new exciting events happening very soon ;)

Have a Happy Easter everyone x

Lampshade making with Tatie Lou

After going on a great lampshade making workshop at Homemade London, I decided to have a go at it myself using some fabric that I had printed earlier this year. 
With a bit of practice I think I will hopefully get's a bit tricky in some parts but soooo rewarding when its all finished..see what you think..

a lino block I made inspired by a flower head...
trying a few print samples before I print the real thang...

a basic block repeat...

linen is quite tricky to use as it you have to be careful when working with it...

ooo...all ready to go (nice board game I found in Amsterdam in the background)

you can buy all the bits and bobs at Need Craft ...a bit pricey but they sell some great kits of you just want to have a wee try...

the mother of all double sided have to stick this on the top and bottom half of the frames before you roll the fabric onto them.
There are really easy instructions to follow if you buy one of the kits...

fire retardant sticky back plastic which you need to carefully roll onto the wrong side of your out for creases...patience is a must

stuck on you...

give it a bit of a trim...

then attach double sided tape to both ends...the will ensure a professional finish..(patience not included in the kit)

and now for the rrrreeeallly tricky need to roll both the top and the bottom frames along the edges of your fabric at the same time....if you have an extra pair of hands then great!

keep rollin... rollin... rollin....

once you get to the end the double sided tape you attached earlier should then join the ends nicely together ...

and now for the boring bit....

you need to roll the excess fabric underneath the frames...both top and bottom 

as I said before..linen frays really easily so be really careful when you are tucking this under if you are using a fabric that has a tendency to fray easily...

clip the fabric when you get to the joins to make it easier to tuck under...

almost there...

aaaa the Tesco clubcard...always comes in handing when lampshade making...what would I do without it..

and there you go...Bobs your uncle...

fanny's your aunt...

well I have become addicted now and in the process of printing some lovely new fabrics for the spring which will I make into lampshades and will showcase very soon.

Thursday, 8 March 2012 and some donkies

Tatie Lou has been very busy and a bit slack to say the least in the old blogasphere.
Here are a few photos of a trip back earlier this autumn in Bordeaux,France. The colours were amazing and very inspiring :)
fishy on a little dishy

a very drizzly Saint Emillion but still very beautiful

a very cute horse gone wonky

stinky but very fine looking cheeses

not quite sure what these were all about but made me giggle...maybe the taxidermist had made a visit earlier to the market

some pumpkins...

some more pumpkins...

a big funny looking pumpkin...

 and yet even more pumpkins of all shapes and sizes

giant lollipops :)